Monday, March 5, 2012

3 day weekend!!

I am writing this while I am sitting on my couch enjoying the SNOW DAY!! Reagan is taking a nap and I had a few minutes so I decide to post something! We had a busy weekend and Reagan was EVERYWHERE! She is constantly crawling and pulling up on everything! It keeps us busy for sure!
I was trying to get a few things done this weekend and I let Reagan play in the cabinets. She loved pulling out everything. The best part was the huge crash that each pan would make when it would hit the floor. She was stare at it for a minute and then pull out the next one. She is a mess!!

This is what she loves to do the most, walk around and around the coffee table. Excuse the drool. I think she is getting some more teeth:)

On Saturday, I discovered that Reagan loves the library. We went to check out some books and she loved playing with all the puzzles. She had her eye on one little baby boy and she kept crawling over to him. She actually spent about 2 minutes looking at one of the books we checked out.

You can't see it in this picture but I dressed Reagan in her snowman dress for church on Sunday. I did this in hopes that it would bring us a much needed snow day and IT DID!!!

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