Tuesday, March 6, 2012

sweet potatoes and pink eye

Yes, that is right. Reagan has pink eye in both eyes:( To end a wonderful snow day, we spent a little time at the doctor's office. Yesterday when Reagan woke up from her nap, she had gross goo all over her eyes and they were red. Luckily we live about 2 minutes from our doctor so we were there in no time. They close at 5 and it was about 4:30, the nurses seemed less than pleased to see us walking through the door. Oh well!  I was correct... little Reagie had pink eye. On another note, they weighed her while we were there and wait for it.... 24 pounds. WOW!!! What in the world! My 7 pound baby has turned into a butterball:) I love it and think she is absolutely the most adorable baby in the world! Below is a picture of her after we got home from the doctor. She was "feeding" herself some homemade sweet potatoes. Too cute!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear Regan got pink eye! She is a cutie! BTW Sean weighs 29 lbs!! ha ha shows you how skinny my kids are. I'd be happy to have a little extra meat on their bones!!
