Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reagan Grace is 9 months old

I can't believe that Reagan is 9 months old!! It seems like she was just born. She is such a big girl now! I'm not totally sure how much she weighs because we don't go to the doctor until next week but.. last time I checked she was around 23 pounds! I should have amazing biceps by now from carrying her around but sadly that is not the case. As you all know, she crawls around like crazy and has been doing so since she was 5 months old! She pulls up on everything and today stood all by herself, this was only for a few seconds but it's coming!! She is so happy and has started to just laugh while she plays. Reagan Grace is such a blessing for us. We waited so long for her and now that she is finally here it's pretty amazing!

When Reagan was 6 months old, she stayed still long enough for me to take this cute picture.

Today when I tried to do this it was a totally different story. She would not sit still for a second and ended up eating the sigh that I made. Oh Reagie, you are a real piece of work!

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