Sunday, March 18, 2012

Beach Time!

Jason, Reagan and I took a little trip to the beach this weekend. Even though it was a little chilly we still had a lot of fun. The last time we were at the beach with Reagan she was 4 months old so this time was much different. Reagan had a great time. She slept in the car on the way down and didn't seemed bothered at all to be in a new place. She was so tired at night that she fell right to sleep and slept until 7am! Which by the way is very late for her since she normally likes to start making noises around 5:30. We only went out on the beach on Saturday morning and Reagan put her toes in the sand. She seemed to like it!

Sandy Toes!!!

Since dinner on Friday night didn't go so well (Reagan poured water all over herself) We decided to go out to lunch on Saturday! Reagan wore her St. Patrick's Day t-shirt. It says "I'm a wee bit Irish" my Aunt Barbara gave it to her:)

We watched a lot of basketball and Reagan just crawled over Jason over and over again. She was laughing the whole time. Such a happy little girl!! I love it! 

When we got home, I had a gift waiting for Reagan. I bought her a little "bike" on Friday but didn't have time to put it together before we left for the beach. She loves to sit on it and jump up and down. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had an awesome family weekend! I love the feet pic! Fun times!
