Friday, March 30, 2012

One Crazy Week

This week... we have been to the doctor 3 times, purchased Reagan's first pair of shoes, had 2 nights of screaming, one tooth pop through, a horrible diaper rash, and hand, foot, and mouth virus.  Needless to say I am very glad that it is Friday! Poor Reagan had a very tough week. I ended up taking her to the doctor on Sunday morning because she was still grabbing at her ear and she was very cranky. He said that she was just teething. I thought that was the problem until Tuesday night when she was up all night long crying! What in the world? I have no idea how I survived when she was a newborn. At least when she was that little, she would go back to sleep. That was not the case on Tuesday. She screamed and did not want to be anywhere but in my arms. Luckily we had her 9 month check up on Wednesday morning. Turns out  that what I thought was diaper rash was actually a yeast infection. Terrible! We got some medicine and a good report otherwise. Reagan was 23 pounds and 4 ounces (95%). She was 27 1/2 inches long (50%).  He said once she starts moving around more she will begin to thin out. Haha, was that his way of saying she is a little chunk! He has no idea how much she moves. In fact that's all she does. She even stood up all by herself today without holding on to anything! What a big girl!!  I thought that was the end of the doctors visits but we went back again today! I went to pick her up from Kate's and she had blisters on her hands and feet. Uh-oh. Plus Kate's little girl had a fever so I figured we better go get it checked out. Kate and I go to the same doctor so we both went. Reagan got checked out and unfortunately had hand, mouth, and foot virus. Oh my goodness!! What else?? I felt terrible because Kate's little girl had it too. Now I know why Reagan was screaming for two nights. I thought it was because of the teeth and diaper rash but I bet it was this virus too! Let's just hope that Reagan is better soon. She isn't acting sick now. In fact, she just learned how to say "bye-bye" and when the doctor came in she was sitting up on the table, she waved at her and said "bye-bye". Too cute!! So..bye-bye!

I just had to put this picture up. I bought this shirt at the outlets when we were at the beach. What I didn't realize was that it was kinda a backless shirt for a baby. What?!? Anyway, it is so cute and shows off her little chubby sides! 

 Jason's parents (Grammie and Grandpa) got Reagan this fire truck at Christmas. We just recently got it out and tried to put it together. Of course the two of us couldn't completely get it together so Jason's dad helped putting the rest of it together. It is all set up and ready to go. Reagan LOVES to sit on it and honk the horn! 

I tried to give Reagan some avocado this week. She wasn't too excited about it. Not sure if it is because she was feeling sick or just not into it. I guess we will try it again next week! 

New shoes! How cute are these???

This is the last pic for the night! I love this one. I was taking this vibrating seat to my friend, Blakley. She just had a baby boy and he seems to like this seat just as much as Reagie did. She wanted to borrow it so I got it down and Reagan seemed to remember it. She wanted to get in and poor Molly is looking at it like "Oh my goodness, you aren't bringing another baby home, are you?" Haha! That really makes me laugh. Not to worry Molly! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Poor Reagan!

Poor little Reagan is getting her top teeth. She was pretty cranky all day today at Kate's and her top gums are so swollen! She is quietly sleeping right now but I am afraid that she will wake up in the middle of the night screaming. She did that last time when she got the two bottom teeth. It breaks my heart because I am sure it really hurts and there isn't much I can really do about it. She's so stinkin' cute though! Even though she wasn't in the best mood, we had her pictures taken today. She actually did pretty good. A friend from church has photographed Reagan since she was 10 days old! I can't wait to see how they all turn out! Below is a picture of Reagan the other day, doing what she likes best... just standing! I love how her belly hangs over her pants. Really cute on her not so cute on me:)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reagan Grace is 9 months old

I can't believe that Reagan is 9 months old!! It seems like she was just born. She is such a big girl now! I'm not totally sure how much she weighs because we don't go to the doctor until next week but.. last time I checked she was around 23 pounds! I should have amazing biceps by now from carrying her around but sadly that is not the case. As you all know, she crawls around like crazy and has been doing so since she was 5 months old! She pulls up on everything and today stood all by herself, this was only for a few seconds but it's coming!! She is so happy and has started to just laugh while she plays. Reagan Grace is such a blessing for us. We waited so long for her and now that she is finally here it's pretty amazing!

When Reagan was 6 months old, she stayed still long enough for me to take this cute picture.

Today when I tried to do this it was a totally different story. She would not sit still for a second and ended up eating the sigh that I made. Oh Reagie, you are a real piece of work!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Beach Time!

Jason, Reagan and I took a little trip to the beach this weekend. Even though it was a little chilly we still had a lot of fun. The last time we were at the beach with Reagan she was 4 months old so this time was much different. Reagan had a great time. She slept in the car on the way down and didn't seemed bothered at all to be in a new place. She was so tired at night that she fell right to sleep and slept until 7am! Which by the way is very late for her since she normally likes to start making noises around 5:30. We only went out on the beach on Saturday morning and Reagan put her toes in the sand. She seemed to like it!

Sandy Toes!!!

Since dinner on Friday night didn't go so well (Reagan poured water all over herself) We decided to go out to lunch on Saturday! Reagan wore her St. Patrick's Day t-shirt. It says "I'm a wee bit Irish" my Aunt Barbara gave it to her:)

We watched a lot of basketball and Reagan just crawled over Jason over and over again. She was laughing the whole time. Such a happy little girl!! I love it! 

When we got home, I had a gift waiting for Reagan. I bought her a little "bike" on Friday but didn't have time to put it together before we left for the beach. She loves to sit on it and jump up and down. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I can't remember the last time that Reagan actually sat and played with her toys. All she wants to do is pull up on the coffee table, sofa, fireplace, etc. Her favorite things are cell phones, computers, and remotes. I love this picture because she is just about to pull my school computer down on the ground. Whoops. You can't really see it in this picture but she is wearing a skin tight polo shirt. It was 12 months and clearly too small. Her belly was hanging out of the bottom and I am pretty sure it cut of the circulation in her arms. I had to put that one away in the box with all the other things that she has outgrown. Which by the way, makes me really sad!  She is growing too fast!! It's so hard to even imagine what life was like before her. It seems like she has always been here. We are so very blessed to have this little baby girl!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I love Saturdays. I don't have to go to work and I get to spend the whole day with Reagan! That makes me super happy. We had a ladies day today because Jason had to work this morning. Reagan decided to sleep in this morning and didn't wake up until 7:45! Wow! I wonder what she will do tomorrow with the time change? We went to visit my best friend from college, Blakley. She had a baby boy on Thursday and we went to check him out at the hospital. It was crazy being back at the very same place that Reagan was born just 8 months ago. She looked huge compared to sweet baby Yeatts. After we left the hospital, we of course made our weekly trip to Target and picked up a few things that we "needed". Reagan took a really long nap and then we went to visit her Grammy, who just had back surgery:(

Just a shout out to Blakley, who just had her 2nd baby boy on Thursday! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday that we were in college and now she has two boys!!

This is Reagan after her bath. So adorable! I could just stare at her all day long. My love!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

sweet potatoes and pink eye

Yes, that is right. Reagan has pink eye in both eyes:( To end a wonderful snow day, we spent a little time at the doctor's office. Yesterday when Reagan woke up from her nap, she had gross goo all over her eyes and they were red. Luckily we live about 2 minutes from our doctor so we were there in no time. They close at 5 and it was about 4:30, the nurses seemed less than pleased to see us walking through the door. Oh well!  I was correct... little Reagie had pink eye. On another note, they weighed her while we were there and wait for it.... 24 pounds. WOW!!! What in the world! My 7 pound baby has turned into a butterball:) I love it and think she is absolutely the most adorable baby in the world! Below is a picture of her after we got home from the doctor. She was "feeding" herself some homemade sweet potatoes. Too cute!

Monday, March 5, 2012

3 day weekend!!

I am writing this while I am sitting on my couch enjoying the SNOW DAY!! Reagan is taking a nap and I had a few minutes so I decide to post something! We had a busy weekend and Reagan was EVERYWHERE! She is constantly crawling and pulling up on everything! It keeps us busy for sure!
I was trying to get a few things done this weekend and I let Reagan play in the cabinets. She loved pulling out everything. The best part was the huge crash that each pan would make when it would hit the floor. She was stare at it for a minute and then pull out the next one. She is a mess!!

This is what she loves to do the most, walk around and around the coffee table. Excuse the drool. I think she is getting some more teeth:)

On Saturday, I discovered that Reagan loves the library. We went to check out some books and she loved playing with all the puzzles. She had her eye on one little baby boy and she kept crawling over to him. She actually spent about 2 minutes looking at one of the books we checked out.

You can't see it in this picture but I dressed Reagan in her snowman dress for church on Sunday. I did this in hopes that it would bring us a much needed snow day and IT DID!!!