Friday, May 4, 2012

Oh My Goodness

Poor little Reagan had strep throat this week. It was so sad for me to see her with such a high temperature and just feeling bad. I think I even had a few tears as I rocked her to sleep. Not just because she was sick but because she is getting so big so fast. I can't believe that she is 10 months old. I look at her now and I don't see a little baby anymore. She has such a great personality and is so very active! She laughs at everything and loves to climb all over me when I am on the floor trying to read to her. Despite being so sick this week she hit a few milestones!! She is starting to "talk" more and more. She can say three words "Bye-Bye", "baby", and "Pop-Pop". That is what my dad is called but I don't think she truly associates him with the name. Last night when Jason came home she said "Pop-Pop".  Not only is she starting to talk but tonight she walked two steps all by herself to Jason.  This all makes me want to cry. I really can't believe what an amazing little girl she is becoming! Even though it was so sad that she was sick, I loved being able to stay home with her and cuddle. Sweet, sweet Reagan Grace!

I just had to show this picture because she is finally growing some hair! Blond hair! I think.
Despite being sick, she still had plenty of energy to push her firetruck around her bedroom. She stayed in her jammies all day long.

I knew she was feeling better when she started trying to get to everything that was breakable.  We don't normally play in the living room but we were getting a little bored being stuck in the house all day!

Helping mommy fold some laundry.

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