Monday, May 28, 2012

4 Day Weekend

Everyone is pretty tired from our trip to the beach but we had a great time! Reagan and I drove down Friday morning. I was a little nervous to drive all the way to Nags Head with Reagan alone but it was fine. She did get into a container of puffs and opened the top with her 3 teeth and poured puffs all over herself. Luckily this was about 5 minutes from the house and the container wasn't very full. I looked in the rear view mirror and she was just grabbing handfuls and cramming them into her mouth. This is what I found when we finally arrived.
Reagan and I had the whole day to ourselves before Jason and Aunt Laura and Victor arrived. We played in the pool out on the deck. Reagan loved it! The only problem was that she wanted to crawl all over the deck. That would mean a lot of splinters!
She was really happy about the sunscreen for some reason. Silly little girl! 
 On Saturday, we hit the beach. It was pretty crowed and definitely way more work hauling a baby out there! Before I had Reagan, I would always wonder why people brought all that stuff out to the beach for just one baby. Yep, we are now those people that everyone watches coming down the stairs with all the baby gear. It was well worth it though because she LOVED the beach and stayed out for a long time. I hope her love for the beach continues since both Jason and I are beach people! 
Reagan loves her Aunt Laura! 

Having a snack inside her tent! I even got inside it. Pretty nice in there:)
So sweet! I love it!
An attempt to get a picture of the two of us. It was not successful.

 Where are those chunky legs hiding??

There are those legs! She loved the water! I really couldn't believe it. Even when it splashed up in her face, she still laughed. Such a happy little lady!
Having a snack inside the wagon.
We even managed to go out to dinner. Reagan was being patriotic for Memorial Day in her red, white, and blue dress! We had such a great time this weekend! It is way different with a baby at the beach but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I can't wait to go back this summer! We will all sleep tight tonight!

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