Wednesday, May 23, 2012

11 months old...WHAT???

Reagan turned 11 months old on Sunday. She is such a big girl now. She can do so much and she just amazes me all the time. Tonight while I was trying to get a good picture of her she took FIVE steps all on her own. Over the past month or so she has taken one or two little steps here and there but tonight it was actual walking. It caught me off guard and I started crying. I don't normally cry unless I am very sad or frustrated. But this was tears of happiness. It's like everything flashed right before my eyes and I could see and remember everything that Jason and I went through to get this little miracle here and it made me cry. Reagan Grace is truly amazing and I just love her to pieces.
Haha! This is the best picture I could get. She was crazy tonight. Climbing all over everything as you can see below.
Look at that face! She is such a happy little girl. We love you Reagan Grace!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad for you and Jason that your special little girl did come into your lives. Nothing better than being a Mommy!! She'll be walking anyday now! Don't worry there are more fabulous and wonderful milestones to come! :o)
