Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a great Mother's Day weekend! We got to spend time with both my mom and Jason's mom plus his grandma. It was so nice outside that we were able to go pick strawberries on Saturday morning. Reagan took a little nap on the way out there and then was up and ready to go sit in the dirt while we picked strawberries. She didn't pay much attention to the strawberries at first because she was more interested in pulling up all the grass. However, she did find a berry or two and tried to eat them. We discouraged her from that since the ones she picked were basically rotten. We waited until we got home and then she had her fair share!

Found a berry!

She was very upset when I took this away from her.

We had a few for lunch when we got home. But the most exciting part of the trip was that Reagan took two steps all on her own when we were out in the field. Of course, we didn't get it on video or anything but believe me... she did. I'm trying not to encourage it too much, is that bad? But, I can't imagine what she will be like once she starts walking. She is all over the place right now! 

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