Saturday, February 14, 2015

Who needs toys?

Reagan has always had quite the imagination. She would prefer to play with gift bags and ribbon before you brings out the box of Barbies. I find it so interesting to watch and see what she is going to come up with next. Tonight, she was playing a game called "Tackle the Mackrel" I have no idea where she came up with this name but the game involved Reese and Molly's leash. This game came into play after a lengthy game of kite flying. She made her own kite with tissue paper and string and then was flying it by the fan. I am not joking, I feel like I could take away all of her toys and she would be completing entertained with random household things. Here is a glimpse of some of her recent "games".
This book path was all throughout the house.

All aboard the train
I will have to post a picture of "tackle the mackerel" later. I did get a good pic of that:)

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