Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Reesie is one! What in the world?! I thought the first year went by fast with Reagan but this was just crazy fast. Time needs to slow down. I don't like my baby girls growing up so fast. Reese is a mess. Just a real mess. She gets into everything and I know that is what babies do but honestly Reagan was not that way. Reagan would sit and play with something for a bit but Reese is ALL OVER THE PLACE. She yells all the time and sings too. She loves to hear her voice and she can say a few things but seems just perfectly content with the yelling and singing. She is taking steps on her own but gets places a lot faster by crawling. She LOVES her sister and tries to do anything to make her laugh. She loves baby dolls and gives them kisses all the time. We just can't believe that our little baby is one year old! It seems so crazy. She is just such a blessing to us and we love her so very much. Happy Birthday sweet Reesie girl!

Pretty girl!
Poor girl, she was actually sick on her birthday. But you gotta love that belly! Oh my goodness!


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