Sunday, February 8, 2015

Is is spring yet?

One of the perks of being a teacher is SNOW DAYS. Unfortunately, we have not had many this year. Snow days are great because I can spend all day with my girlies. Reagan has recently been very sad in the morning and does not want me to leave. Of course she is totally fine once she gets to Kate's or my mom's but she ruins my day because I feel sad all day long thinking that she is missing me. So, that being said...I LOVE snow days. BUT, if it's not going to snow, I just want spring to hurry up and get here. We had a little taste of spring this weekend and it was great. We were able to play outside a lot and that makes for some tired girls.

The girls:)
Reesie girl
So big!

Playing together in the sandbox!


Those long legs won't fit in that sand box much longer:(


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