Thursday, February 19, 2015

Snow and Sickness...AGAIN

It seems like every time it snows some one gets sick. However, if someone was to get sick this was the best time. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off of school due to the snow so I was able to be at home with the girls while they were sick. We were at the doctor's office bright and early on Monday morning before the snow hit. Reagan had an ear infection and some kind of nasty virus that resulted in a terrible cough. She was miserable and could not sleep at night. It was like having a newborn all over again but then again, Reagan has never been the best sleeper. The snow came and it was COLD. I mean, really cold. We didn't play out in it too much mainly because of the terrible cough. By Friday, we were back at the doctor for Reese with a double ear infection and the same gross virus that Reagan had. I feel like they have been sick ever since Christmas. I will be so glad when spring comes and we can go outside and play and get rid of all these germs. I did manage to bundle everyone up and head out for a bit.

hated it!
She likes being inside!

Sweet girl

Despite being sick she was really excited to head out into the snow.


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