Saturday, February 28, 2015

Party Time

I love birthday parties. I love planning them so much I start months in advance. Not because I am doing anything huge but just because I love to prepare for them. I know that one day my children will not have any interest in having a party in our backyard or our living room so I figure I should take advantage of that now. I know that sooner, rather than later they are going to want to do something with just their friends and I will need to be far, far away. That is sad to me and actually quite scary. Both girls are growing up so quickly, it is so hard to believe. I can't believe that we just celebrated Reese's first birthday. It was just perfect. We had our family and friends here to help celebrate and we dodged the snow. YAY!

Big sister

lots of food


An attempt to get everyone in a picture...Yeatts did not want to cooperate.

Happy birthday Reesie girl! Now on to planning Reagan's party!!

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