Saturday, February 28, 2015

Party Time

I love birthday parties. I love planning them so much I start months in advance. Not because I am doing anything huge but just because I love to prepare for them. I know that one day my children will not have any interest in having a party in our backyard or our living room so I figure I should take advantage of that now. I know that sooner, rather than later they are going to want to do something with just their friends and I will need to be far, far away. That is sad to me and actually quite scary. Both girls are growing up so quickly, it is so hard to believe. I can't believe that we just celebrated Reese's first birthday. It was just perfect. We had our family and friends here to help celebrate and we dodged the snow. YAY!

Big sister

lots of food


An attempt to get everyone in a picture...Yeatts did not want to cooperate.

Happy birthday Reesie girl! Now on to planning Reagan's party!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Reesie is one! What in the world?! I thought the first year went by fast with Reagan but this was just crazy fast. Time needs to slow down. I don't like my baby girls growing up so fast. Reese is a mess. Just a real mess. She gets into everything and I know that is what babies do but honestly Reagan was not that way. Reagan would sit and play with something for a bit but Reese is ALL OVER THE PLACE. She yells all the time and sings too. She loves to hear her voice and she can say a few things but seems just perfectly content with the yelling and singing. She is taking steps on her own but gets places a lot faster by crawling. She LOVES her sister and tries to do anything to make her laugh. She loves baby dolls and gives them kisses all the time. We just can't believe that our little baby is one year old! It seems so crazy. She is just such a blessing to us and we love her so very much. Happy Birthday sweet Reesie girl!

Pretty girl!
Poor girl, she was actually sick on her birthday. But you gotta love that belly! Oh my goodness!


Monday, February 23, 2015

The girls

It has been a long cold winter! I have REALLY enjoyed the snow days but I am even glad that it is finally warming up. We spent a lot of time inside and luckily Reagan will play with anything so she never gets too bored. Reese just goes along with whatever Reagan is playing. Here is a glimpse of what we have been up to.
Who knew you could have so much fun with a cardboard box?!?!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Happy Birthday Jason!

Reagan loves birthdays!! Takes after her Mama. We were in the middle of some snow days so we had time to get crafty for Jason's birthday. Reagan made a few things for daddy and I just thought it was so sweet that I had to take a picture!


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Snow and Sickness...AGAIN

It seems like every time it snows some one gets sick. However, if someone was to get sick this was the best time. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off of school due to the snow so I was able to be at home with the girls while they were sick. We were at the doctor's office bright and early on Monday morning before the snow hit. Reagan had an ear infection and some kind of nasty virus that resulted in a terrible cough. She was miserable and could not sleep at night. It was like having a newborn all over again but then again, Reagan has never been the best sleeper. The snow came and it was COLD. I mean, really cold. We didn't play out in it too much mainly because of the terrible cough. By Friday, we were back at the doctor for Reese with a double ear infection and the same gross virus that Reagan had. I feel like they have been sick ever since Christmas. I will be so glad when spring comes and we can go outside and play and get rid of all these germs. I did manage to bundle everyone up and head out for a bit.

hated it!
She likes being inside!

Sweet girl

Despite being sick she was really excited to head out into the snow.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Who needs toys part 2

This was "Tackle the Mackrel" I love how Reese just goes right along with all of these "games".
Flying kites


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Who needs toys?

Reagan has always had quite the imagination. She would prefer to play with gift bags and ribbon before you brings out the box of Barbies. I find it so interesting to watch and see what she is going to come up with next. Tonight, she was playing a game called "Tackle the Mackrel" I have no idea where she came up with this name but the game involved Reese and Molly's leash. This game came into play after a lengthy game of kite flying. She made her own kite with tissue paper and string and then was flying it by the fan. I am not joking, I feel like I could take away all of her toys and she would be completing entertained with random household things. Here is a glimpse of some of her recent "games".
This book path was all throughout the house.

All aboard the train
I will have to post a picture of "tackle the mackerel" later. I did get a good pic of that:)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy First Valentine's Day Reesie!
Dad's special valentine for Reagan:)
Reagan's special valentine for daddy


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Is is spring yet?

One of the perks of being a teacher is SNOW DAYS. Unfortunately, we have not had many this year. Snow days are great because I can spend all day with my girlies. Reagan has recently been very sad in the morning and does not want me to leave. Of course she is totally fine once she gets to Kate's or my mom's but she ruins my day because I feel sad all day long thinking that she is missing me. So, that being said...I LOVE snow days. BUT, if it's not going to snow, I just want spring to hurry up and get here. We had a little taste of spring this weekend and it was great. We were able to play outside a lot and that makes for some tired girls.

The girls:)
Reesie girl
So big!

Playing together in the sandbox!


Those long legs won't fit in that sand box much longer:(


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Birthday, Snow, Sickness

Things have been a bit crazy around here lately. I unfortunately had the stomach bug right before my birthday and was living in fear for about a week because I didn't want anyone else to get it. Luckily they escaped it this time! We had a snow day and an "ice" day which was great! Then both girls got sick with RSV and have finally recovered. Having sick kids is no fun at all. I felt like I was taking care of a newborn again. They did not sleep very well and that made for a hard day at work with a classroom full of very energetic kindergarteners. I think we have finally recovered! Here's to a new week!