Sunday, January 27, 2013

More Snow

This time I actually took Reagan out in the snow. Even though it was only an inch, she liked it!  It was melted by the time we came inside but we had fun. This morning when she woke up, she didn't see the snow outside of her window. She said in a sad voice "snow?" and looked at me. Sorry Reagie, no snow today. Although, I am still waiting for a big snow storm that will close school for a few days! Keep your fingers crossed:)

Checking it out!
Cute baby girl.
Reagan and Mommy.

Sweet Molly. Well "sweet" sometimes:)
It's hard work playing in that snow. Someone is very sleepy!
Come back snow!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad she liked the snow this time! I am always up for more snow also! :o)
