Sunday, January 20, 2013

19 months

Reagan is 19 months today. Time is flying by. It needs to slow down a little bit! My little baby is turning into a little girl! She is such a little entertainer. She loves to sing and dance and try to make you laugh. And she is a talker! She certainly didn't get that from me. I don't think I talked to anyone outside of my family until I was at least 14. She is a little shy around strangers but around here... she TALKS AND TALKS AND TALKS. Today when we were playing with the ball, she kept saying "Otay, Mommy, Ready, Set, GO" and then roll the ball to me. I just can't believe how much she learns each day! It's truly amazing and so awesome to see. Reagie Grace, we love you more than you will ever know!

Doing her "work".

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