Sunday, January 13, 2013


I was really thinking it was going to be like 75 degrees this weekend and I could put on some flip flops:) Well, it wasn't that warm but it was pretty nice for January. Reagan LOVES animals so we decided to go to Maymont. It's so close and I realized that we should really go there more often. This time we decided to let Reagan walk and not ride in the stroller. She did great. We of course, just stayed at the barn area, otherwise we might have been carrying her up and down all the hills.
Reagan and her dadeeee
Precious girl
Checking out the animals
Trying to give the goats some hay.
Reagan and Mommy...oh and a goat.

We also went to my dear friend Natalie's little girl's first birthday! Natalie and I have been friends since we were five years old! I couldn't really get any good pictures of these two little ladies but this is the best I could do.
Too cute!

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