Thursday, January 10, 2013


Reagan talks A LOT now. One of her favorite things to say is "Dats Mine". My friend recently returned our exersaucer. As soon as it entered our house, Reagan wanted to get in it. I was a little worried that she wouldn't fit but luckily she did. She wants to sit in this thing all the time. She plays the music and dances and spins around and around. She talks to the pandas and tells them "no" all the time. I never knew that the exersaucer would come in handy at 18 months. I think I am going to have to sneak it up into the attic when she's sleeping. And the mouse hat...that's a whole other story.  She wants to wear this hat and when she can't find it...she walks around the house saying "Mousey, Mousey, are you?" She is one funny little girl!

She was actually pretty sick with strep throat when I took this picture. The exersaucer entertained her for a bit.

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