Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Mommy

Today is my birthday! I was super lucky that I had the day off of from work! YAY:) Jason decided to take the day off too. So, all three (four, Molly included) of us spent the day together.  I did a little shopping, we walked to get cupcakes, and Jason and I went out to dinner. My sister and her husband were also here this weekend from California. We were able to celebrate our birthdays together. Her birthday is the day after mine. We don't get to do that very often so, it was extra special. It was an awesome birthday! The best part was hearing Reagan try to sing Happy birthday to me. It was just "Happy Mommy, Happy Mommy". That just makes my heart melt.

The birthday cake that Margaret and I shared.
Meadow Farm
Reagan and Daddy at Meadow Farm

As part of our birthday celebration, my mom, sister and I went to the Jefferson for the afternoon tea. It was so much fun and so nice to be able to spend time with my mom and sister. I loved it!
Happy Birthday to us!

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