Sunday, January 27, 2013

More Snow

This time I actually took Reagan out in the snow. Even though it was only an inch, she liked it!  It was melted by the time we came inside but we had fun. This morning when she woke up, she didn't see the snow outside of her window. She said in a sad voice "snow?" and looked at me. Sorry Reagie, no snow today. Although, I am still waiting for a big snow storm that will close school for a few days! Keep your fingers crossed:)

Checking it out!
Cute baby girl.
Reagan and Mommy.

Sweet Molly. Well "sweet" sometimes:)
It's hard work playing in that snow. Someone is very sleepy!
Come back snow!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I forgot one thing!

In the midst of this busy weekend...we also celebrated my parents 45th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Blaise, Margaret, and I are so blessed to have you as our parents. We love you!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Mommy

Today is my birthday! I was super lucky that I had the day off of from work! YAY:) Jason decided to take the day off too. So, all three (four, Molly included) of us spent the day together.  I did a little shopping, we walked to get cupcakes, and Jason and I went out to dinner. My sister and her husband were also here this weekend from California. We were able to celebrate our birthdays together. Her birthday is the day after mine. We don't get to do that very often so, it was extra special. It was an awesome birthday! The best part was hearing Reagan try to sing Happy birthday to me. It was just "Happy Mommy, Happy Mommy". That just makes my heart melt.

The birthday cake that Margaret and I shared.
Meadow Farm
Reagan and Daddy at Meadow Farm

As part of our birthday celebration, my mom, sister and I went to the Jefferson for the afternoon tea. It was so much fun and so nice to be able to spend time with my mom and sister. I loved it!
Happy Birthday to us!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

19 months

Reagan is 19 months today. Time is flying by. It needs to slow down a little bit! My little baby is turning into a little girl! She is such a little entertainer. She loves to sing and dance and try to make you laugh. And she is a talker! She certainly didn't get that from me. I don't think I talked to anyone outside of my family until I was at least 14. She is a little shy around strangers but around here... she TALKS AND TALKS AND TALKS. Today when we were playing with the ball, she kept saying "Otay, Mommy, Ready, Set, GO" and then roll the ball to me. I just can't believe how much she learns each day! It's truly amazing and so awesome to see. Reagie Grace, we love you more than you will ever know!

Doing her "work".

Snow Day!

YAY! The first snow day of the year! Although, we hardly had any snow at our house, it was so nice to have the day off. It made it a 4 day weekend! Perfect timing too because it is my birthday on Monday and my sister came into town from San Francisco! Reagan didn't play in the snow. She looked at it out the window and that was about it.

Checking out the snow before we headed to Target:)

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I was really thinking it was going to be like 75 degrees this weekend and I could put on some flip flops:) Well, it wasn't that warm but it was pretty nice for January. Reagan LOVES animals so we decided to go to Maymont. It's so close and I realized that we should really go there more often. This time we decided to let Reagan walk and not ride in the stroller. She did great. We of course, just stayed at the barn area, otherwise we might have been carrying her up and down all the hills.
Reagan and her dadeeee
Precious girl
Checking out the animals
Trying to give the goats some hay.
Reagan and Mommy...oh and a goat.

We also went to my dear friend Natalie's little girl's first birthday! Natalie and I have been friends since we were five years old! I couldn't really get any good pictures of these two little ladies but this is the best I could do.
Too cute!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Reagan talks A LOT now. One of her favorite things to say is "Dats Mine". My friend recently returned our exersaucer. As soon as it entered our house, Reagan wanted to get in it. I was a little worried that she wouldn't fit but luckily she did. She wants to sit in this thing all the time. She plays the music and dances and spins around and around. She talks to the pandas and tells them "no" all the time. I never knew that the exersaucer would come in handy at 18 months. I think I am going to have to sneak it up into the attic when she's sleeping. And the mouse hat...that's a whole other story.  She wants to wear this hat and when she can't find it...she walks around the house saying "Mousey, Mousey, are you?" She is one funny little girl!

She was actually pretty sick with strep throat when I took this picture. The exersaucer entertained her for a bit.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks! It has been awesome having two whole weeks off from school. I LOVED spending each day with Reagan, even though she was sick and very cranky for a portion of the time. I thought she would never sleep again. Many nights were spent rocking her back to sleep. Tiring but so very sweet.

Giving her baby a snack.
Playing inside on her new tricycle.
Getting cozy
Someone did not want their picture taken.
Look at those blond curls.
Over the past few weeks, Reagan's vocabulary has exploded. She talks ALL THE TIME. My favorite thing in the whole world is to hear her little voice saying "Mommy, Mommy! Are you?" as she runs down the hall looking for me. So sweet!