Monday, May 28, 2012

4 Day Weekend

Everyone is pretty tired from our trip to the beach but we had a great time! Reagan and I drove down Friday morning. I was a little nervous to drive all the way to Nags Head with Reagan alone but it was fine. She did get into a container of puffs and opened the top with her 3 teeth and poured puffs all over herself. Luckily this was about 5 minutes from the house and the container wasn't very full. I looked in the rear view mirror and she was just grabbing handfuls and cramming them into her mouth. This is what I found when we finally arrived.
Reagan and I had the whole day to ourselves before Jason and Aunt Laura and Victor arrived. We played in the pool out on the deck. Reagan loved it! The only problem was that she wanted to crawl all over the deck. That would mean a lot of splinters!
She was really happy about the sunscreen for some reason. Silly little girl! 
 On Saturday, we hit the beach. It was pretty crowed and definitely way more work hauling a baby out there! Before I had Reagan, I would always wonder why people brought all that stuff out to the beach for just one baby. Yep, we are now those people that everyone watches coming down the stairs with all the baby gear. It was well worth it though because she LOVED the beach and stayed out for a long time. I hope her love for the beach continues since both Jason and I are beach people! 
Reagan loves her Aunt Laura! 

Having a snack inside her tent! I even got inside it. Pretty nice in there:)
So sweet! I love it!
An attempt to get a picture of the two of us. It was not successful.

 Where are those chunky legs hiding??

There are those legs! She loved the water! I really couldn't believe it. Even when it splashed up in her face, she still laughed. Such a happy little lady!
Having a snack inside the wagon.
We even managed to go out to dinner. Reagan was being patriotic for Memorial Day in her red, white, and blue dress! We had such a great time this weekend! It is way different with a baby at the beach but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I can't wait to go back this summer! We will all sleep tight tonight!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

11 months old...WHAT???

Reagan turned 11 months old on Sunday. She is such a big girl now. She can do so much and she just amazes me all the time. Tonight while I was trying to get a good picture of her she took FIVE steps all on her own. Over the past month or so she has taken one or two little steps here and there but tonight it was actual walking. It caught me off guard and I started crying. I don't normally cry unless I am very sad or frustrated. But this was tears of happiness. It's like everything flashed right before my eyes and I could see and remember everything that Jason and I went through to get this little miracle here and it made me cry. Reagan Grace is truly amazing and I just love her to pieces.
Haha! This is the best picture I could get. She was crazy tonight. Climbing all over everything as you can see below.
Look at that face! She is such a happy little girl. We love you Reagan Grace!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Waiting for Summer

I am definitely ready for summer. We have 18 days of school left and I can't wait! I will get to spend all summer long with Reagan!! Last weekend, we brought out the pool and put on our bathing suit (well Reagan did, I'm not quite ready yet:) She looked so cute in her bathing suit, we never actually got in the pool because the water was too cold but we played outside for a long time. I put plenty of sunscreen on her because I am pretty sure she has skin like Jason, which means a lot of sunscreen for us! Here are some of the cutest pictures I have seen in a while.

Look at those curls! She is finally growing some hair!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a great Mother's Day weekend! We got to spend time with both my mom and Jason's mom plus his grandma. It was so nice outside that we were able to go pick strawberries on Saturday morning. Reagan took a little nap on the way out there and then was up and ready to go sit in the dirt while we picked strawberries. She didn't pay much attention to the strawberries at first because she was more interested in pulling up all the grass. However, she did find a berry or two and tried to eat them. We discouraged her from that since the ones she picked were basically rotten. We waited until we got home and then she had her fair share!

Found a berry!

She was very upset when I took this away from her.

We had a few for lunch when we got home. But the most exciting part of the trip was that Reagan took two steps all on her own when we were out in the field. Of course, we didn't get it on video or anything but believe me... she did. I'm trying not to encourage it too much, is that bad? But, I can't imagine what she will be like once she starts walking. She is all over the place right now! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Countdown to Summer!

I am definitely on the countdown to summer vacation, one of the joys of being a teacher! Although, this year the countdown isn't quite as fun because I don't like counting down the days knowing that my sweet little Reagan is getting older and older. However, I am really looking forward to spending all summer with Reagan and we are super excited that we will have a pool to go to! Since the pool isn't open yet we brought out the baby pool. But, by the time I blew it up and almost passed out... it was raining:( So, Reagan tested it out inside. She LOVED it. She just laughed and laughed and crawled all over it!

Such a busy lady! Here are a few other pictures from the weekend!
So sweet in her pink dress. All ready for church!
My cell phone stopped working right after I took this picture. Slobber damage, I think. Unfortunately, they could not repair it and I had to get a new one:( 
We discovered a new playground and it was a big hit with Reagan. She did not want to get out of the swing!
So big!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Oh My Goodness

Poor little Reagan had strep throat this week. It was so sad for me to see her with such a high temperature and just feeling bad. I think I even had a few tears as I rocked her to sleep. Not just because she was sick but because she is getting so big so fast. I can't believe that she is 10 months old. I look at her now and I don't see a little baby anymore. She has such a great personality and is so very active! She laughs at everything and loves to climb all over me when I am on the floor trying to read to her. Despite being so sick this week she hit a few milestones!! She is starting to "talk" more and more. She can say three words "Bye-Bye", "baby", and "Pop-Pop". That is what my dad is called but I don't think she truly associates him with the name. Last night when Jason came home she said "Pop-Pop".  Not only is she starting to talk but tonight she walked two steps all by herself to Jason.  This all makes me want to cry. I really can't believe what an amazing little girl she is becoming! Even though it was so sad that she was sick, I loved being able to stay home with her and cuddle. Sweet, sweet Reagan Grace!

I just had to show this picture because she is finally growing some hair! Blond hair! I think.
Despite being sick, she still had plenty of energy to push her firetruck around her bedroom. She stayed in her jammies all day long.

I knew she was feeling better when she started trying to get to everything that was breakable.  We don't normally play in the living room but we were getting a little bored being stuck in the house all day!

Helping mommy fold some laundry.