Monday, February 20, 2012

Snow Day!

It finally snowed last night! I have been waiting all winter for just one snow day and we finally got it! Although almost all of the snow is melted now it was so pretty last night and this morning. We really didn't go out in the snow but played inside and looked out the window at it. Reagan did wear her snowman pajamas last night and her snowman shirt this morning. It was so fun to just spend the day with Reagan. She did spend a few hours with her Mamaw while I went to visit sweet baby Magdalena, my friend Nat's tiny, tiny baby girl. So cute! Just a few months ago, Reagan was that tiny! All snow days must come to an end and that makes me sad. But here are a few pictures from today.

She was going crazy over this red heart balloon that one of my sweet students gave to me on Valentine's Day. I tried to throw it away but she cried. I'm not sure if it is safe for an 8 month old to play with balloons but she was just having too much fun! She kept yanking the string and screaming when the balloon came down. She is one crazy little baby! 

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