Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Poor Molly

As most of you know we have a sweet little black schnoodle that I love to death! Molly was my baby for a long, long time. That was until baby Reagan came along. Although I promised to love and pay attention to Molly just as much as I did before Reagan came along, it has been hard. When Reagan first starting crawling, Molly was very confused. We had to really make sure Reagan did not bump into her because that would scare Molly and she would growl. Reagan didn't seem to mind but the last thing I wanted was for Molly to snap at her! Molly has finally adjusted to the quick moving Reagan and just tries to stay out of her way. Now, Reagan has discovered Molly's hiding spot which is under the kitchen table. I moved Molly's bed there so that she would have her own space. Well... not anymore.

Reagan is climbing in.

She's in!

On her way out! She is a real rascal!

Here is sweet Molly.

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