Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Since I started this blog I have been trying to take more pictures. I realized that since I take all the pictures, I don't have hardly any of Reagan and I. Jason took a few tonight but after being at school all day long with a bunch of wild kids, I was quite a sight. I was embarrassed to post those pictures.  What I DO have is one of the cutest pictures in the world of Reagan. I took this picture this weekend. We spent a long time standing at the sliding glass door. She has a big basket of toys but has no interest in them. All she wants to do is pull up on the basket, walk along the coffee table and stand at the door. I often wonder if she is hyperactive because she doesn't stop moving!! I know, that's crazy! Here's one of the pictures from this weekend! So cute! I can't believe that she is getting so big!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Helping Mommy!

Reagan has discovered a new favorite thing...riding in the cart at Kroger and Target. You all know that Target is my favorite place in the world so this works out perfectly. I better not say too much but she loves being in there. She is so quiet and content to just ride along in the cart. I guess I should take advantage of it now because by next week she might hate it! We have already made two trips to Target this weekend! On Friday, I picked her up for Kate's and we went straight to the grocery store to do some shopping. Once we got home, she entertained herself by crashing into all of the grocery bags while I unloaded everything.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Night Night

My favorite part of the day is when I get to leave school and go pick up Reagan. Today when I arrived at Kate's, she gave me the biggest smile. It is the best feeling in the world. It is really what gets me through each work day. Once we get home we have the rest of the afternoon to play together. Today we took Molly for a walk and then did a little swinging in the front yard. Below are some pictures that Jason took tonight after Reagan got out of the bathtub. We have to put her in the crib to get her pjs on because she is like a wild animal when you try to get her dressed. She has started to jump up and down while she holds on to the side of the crib and she's NAKED. I love it!!

love it!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Snow Day!

It finally snowed last night! I have been waiting all winter for just one snow day and we finally got it! Although almost all of the snow is melted now it was so pretty last night and this morning. We really didn't go out in the snow but played inside and looked out the window at it. Reagan did wear her snowman pajamas last night and her snowman shirt this morning. It was so fun to just spend the day with Reagan. She did spend a few hours with her Mamaw while I went to visit sweet baby Magdalena, my friend Nat's tiny, tiny baby girl. So cute! Just a few months ago, Reagan was that tiny! All snow days must come to an end and that makes me sad. But here are a few pictures from today.

She was going crazy over this red heart balloon that one of my sweet students gave to me on Valentine's Day. I tried to throw it away but she cried. I'm not sure if it is safe for an 8 month old to play with balloons but she was just having too much fun! She kept yanking the string and screaming when the balloon came down. She is one crazy little baby! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Reagan is 8 months old, well almost.

Little Reagan Grace will be 8 months old tomorrow. She is such a big girl now. She can crawl really fast and pulls up on everything. She can walk all around the coffee table holding on to it with both hands. She loves music and bends her little knees like she is dancing. I hope she doesn't get her dancing skills from me. It seems like we waited forever for her to come into our lives and now time is flying by. Sometimes I just want to freeze time and keep her just the way she is. However, I love seeing her do new things each day. It's so fun to watch. 

Jason put up Reagan's swing in the front yard. We tested it out yesterday when it was still warm outside. It was very sunny and the sun was right in her eyes but she loved it!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Forgot about this one!

I know this is kinda hard to see but this is Reagan in my grandmother's christening gown. It is over 100 years old. We could only get one really good picture of her in it. She was five months old in the picture and was starting to chew on everything. She had the entire collar of the dress in her mouth at one point. It was so special for me to see her in this dress because I was so close to my grandma Zohab. She passed away when I was 11 years old but I still think about her all the time. She would have thought Reagan was really something else! I know she is smiling down on her all the time. Sweet, sweet Reagie, our little miracle.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sweet little Reagan!

Poor Molly

As most of you know we have a sweet little black schnoodle that I love to death! Molly was my baby for a long, long time. That was until baby Reagan came along. Although I promised to love and pay attention to Molly just as much as I did before Reagan came along, it has been hard. When Reagan first starting crawling, Molly was very confused. We had to really make sure Reagan did not bump into her because that would scare Molly and she would growl. Reagan didn't seem to mind but the last thing I wanted was for Molly to snap at her! Molly has finally adjusted to the quick moving Reagan and just tries to stay out of her way. Now, Reagan has discovered Molly's hiding spot which is under the kitchen table. I moved Molly's bed there so that she would have her own space. Well... not anymore.

Reagan is climbing in.

She's in!

On her way out! She is a real rascal!

Here is sweet Molly.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

So busy!

Reagan is such a busy little girl. She is pulling up on everything and has decided that she doesn't really like to nap much. This is okay with me until about 6 o'clock when she just falls apart. It makes dinner and bath time quite noisy! I can't believe that she will be 8 months old in a week. It seems like the time just flew by once she hit 4 months. She just seems like a little person now. I can't believe how lucky we are to have such a sweet baby girl.

This is a new trick! She loves to stand at the backdoor and wait for Jason to come home from work. The best part is that she just stands there and licks the window. Probably not the cleanest thing to be doing:)

Poor little girl. She could barely keep her eyes open because she was so sleepy. She had no idea that Jason put all those bubbles on top of her head. She looks happy now but the crying started soon. Time to get out!

This doesn't look too safe either!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Reagan has two teeth!

Reagan finally has two tiny teeth! About a week ago she woke up screaming and would not stop. The next day we noticed two tiny teeth poking through. She is such a sweet, sweet girl. I felt bad that her little gums were hurting her so badly. But, she is feeling much better now. She is actually all over the place. She loves to crawl and pull up on everything. She also falls a lot and then the tears just flow. Here is a picture of her today. You can see the two tiny teeth poking through. I can't believe how fast she is growing!! It seems like I was just pregnant with her! Time really does fly. I remember everyone telling me that when she was a newborn. I didn't believe them. But, now I do:)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ridge Baby Playdate

At Ridge, we had 6 girls pregnant at the same time last year. It was crazy. Well all the babies have been born and we get together often for a little playdate. At first it was pretty quite because some of the babies would be sleeping but now since everyone is between 4-7 months, it's a little crazy. Below is the one picture that I took. 5 girls and 1 boy!

Reagan is on the move!

Reagan started crawling backwards a few weeks before she was 5 months. She was fully crawling at 6 months! I don't know how I got such an active baby but we love it! She is always on the move. She started pulling up at 6 and a half months and now at a little over 7 months that is all she does. Pull up and walk around the furniture. Molly can't seem to figure it all out but she is slooowly getting used to it! Reagan gets into everything. She mostly likes electrical cords, cell phones, and newspaper. All very safe items to play with.

Is it really winter??

It has been so warm here this winter that we have been able to go outside with Reagan a lot. She loves being outside. On this day it was like 70 degrees. So, we put on our sun hat and played outside in the backyard.

Reagan's First Christmas!

Reagan had a great First Christmas. She was crawling on Christmas Day and playing with all of her toys!
We went to Williamsburg a few days before Christmas and strolled around.

Visiting Santa

Reagan went to visit Santa with her cousins Sadie and Maegan. Reagan was more interested in Mrs. Claus than Santa. She was nothing like me when I was little. She didn't cry one bit.
She would never just sit like that now!


Reagan with Mamaw and Pop-pop.


Reagan was baptized on November 20th at West End Presbyterian Church. She was so good. Didn't even cry one bit!

Halloween 2011

Reagan dressed up as a cow for Halloween! She had her costume on for about 45 minutes and then spit up on it. That was the end of her First Halloween!

Molly wore her usual...lobster costume. Still so funny to me!

This was Reagan at Carter's Mountain. We went to pick apples!

Reagan at the beach!

This was Reagan in her bathing suit! She went in the little baby pool and liked to splash around. I don't even think this would fit on her ankle now!

You can't see it very well in this picture but Reagan is wearing a pink halter jumper. It was sooo cute!

This was Reagan getting ready to go to church! She was about 3 months.

Reagan went to the Virginia State Fair! She wasn't too interested but I enjoyed a funnel cake!

Catching up...again

Since I just started my blog I wanted to catch you up with how much Reagan has grown! As I write this she is screaming from her crib because she doesn't want to nap anymore. She is sooo tired because she woke up at 5am this morning:) The picture above was Reagan at 3 months...crying:)

This was Reagan's first trip to the beach. She was 3 months old. She wasn't too interested in the beach and mostly stayed inside. Next year will certainly be different!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Catching up with Reagan

This was Reagan when we left the hospital! So cute. We had no idea what was about to happen once we got home. Our life as we knew it was over.

That was Reagan at one week old! So tiny!!

She looked like a little old man!

Molly our cute little schnoodle, had no idea what to think of Reagan!

Reagan at 2 months!

Welcome to our blog!

February 3, 2012

I have decided to start a blog. I guess I will see how it goes because I am kinda a computer dummy but I think I can figure it out! Anyway, the reason I have started this is because I have a super cute 7 month baby girl named Reagan Grace and I want to show her off! Since she is already seven months I will post some older pics of her too! 

This is me when I was 8 months pregnant with Reagan!

Reagan was born on Monday June 20th at 8am. She was 7lbs and 1 oz.
This was Reagan just after she was born! All bruised up! Poor little girl!