Sunday, December 14, 2014

Santa Brunch

For the past few years we have gone with my parents and my brother's family to a Santa brunch. This was of course Reese's first time. I think they had more fun eating brunch than actually seeing Santa. Reagan said that was not the real Santa but one of his helpers so she decided not to sit on his lap. She kept saying "I already saw Santa". I think she was scared but she would never say that! I only managed to get a few pictures which was fine because both of the girls were not feeling so well. I think we are finally on the road to recovery and we hope to keep all sickness away over Christmas. Fingers crossed.

I just realized as I was posting this picture that Reagan and Reese are sitting in the same spot that Jason and I cut our cake at our wedding reception:) Who knew almost 10 years later, we would have two of the sweetest girls in the world!

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