Tuesday, December 30, 2014

10 months old

Reese was 10 months old on Christmas day. We had no idea last Christmas what joy this little girl would bring to us. I can't imagine our life without her. She is so sweet and loves for you to hold her and to cuddle with her. However, she is in to everything now. She crawls so fast and pulls up on everything. She doesn't seem too interested in walking which is TOTALLY fine by me. I remember with Reagan, I couldn't wait until she started walking, silly me, I had no idea. I think Reese can just keep on crawling for a while. She has 4 teeth (almost 6) and loves to show them to you. She smiles so big when you ask to see her teeth. She loves her big sister and claps a lot whenever she sees her. She babbles a lot and says mama and dada. We just adore Reesie girl. She is such a precious girl.


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