Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

I feel like everyone always gets sick at Christmas. I kinda thought it was coming but I was hoping it would pass but on Christmas eve morning I was sitting in the doctor's office with Reese and every other sick kid in Richmond. I can't believe that I didn't come down with something after leaving that place. We got some antibiotics and headed on home. She was quite the mess on Christmas Eve and did not live up to her reputation of being "the best baby ever". Poor girl. Excuse the snotty nose in all these pictures. I had to actually wrestle with her to wipe her nose. Anyway, we went ahead with our plans and went to church and to Mimi and Grandpa's house for dinner. Reese screamed off and on and we had to take a dessert to go. Luckily I had enough energy to help Reagan set out cookies for Santa and of course carrots for the reindeer. Oh and write a note to Santa. Busy night!!

Cookies for Santa
finally in our pjs!

Now, we just wait for Santa to arrive! Merry Christmas!!

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