Sunday, December 21, 2014


Sadly we lost our sweet Aunt Nellie at the age of 98, only a few days before Christmas. She was our great aunt and she was like a grandma to us. When we were growing up she and her husband (Uncle Red) were around us all of the time. We would spend holidays with them and she would babysit for us often. She never had any children of her own so my dad was like her child and we were like her grandchildren. We have such wonderful memories of our Aunt Nellie. She lived an amazing life and we such a huge part of our lives. We will miss her dearly but we are so blessed that she was part of our lives for such a long time. My sister and her husband planned to come home and fortunately they were able to be here for the funeral.We continued on with our holiday plans knowing that is what Nellie would want us to do. She LOVED parties and the holidays We were able to share some funny stories and laugh as we remembered our sweet aunt.

Opening up some presents! YAY!

Reese at Mamaw and Pop Pop's house.


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