Tuesday, December 30, 2014

10 months old

Reese was 10 months old on Christmas day. We had no idea last Christmas what joy this little girl would bring to us. I can't imagine our life without her. She is so sweet and loves for you to hold her and to cuddle with her. However, she is in to everything now. She crawls so fast and pulls up on everything. She doesn't seem too interested in walking which is TOTALLY fine by me. I remember with Reagan, I couldn't wait until she started walking, silly me, I had no idea. I think Reese can just keep on crawling for a while. She has 4 teeth (almost 6) and loves to show them to you. She smiles so big when you ask to see her teeth. She loves her big sister and claps a lot whenever she sees her. She babbles a lot and says mama and dada. We just adore Reesie girl. She is such a precious girl.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

I feel like everyone always gets sick at Christmas. I kinda thought it was coming but I was hoping it would pass but on Christmas eve morning I was sitting in the doctor's office with Reese and every other sick kid in Richmond. I can't believe that I didn't come down with something after leaving that place. We got some antibiotics and headed on home. She was quite the mess on Christmas Eve and did not live up to her reputation of being "the best baby ever". Poor girl. Excuse the snotty nose in all these pictures. I had to actually wrestle with her to wipe her nose. Anyway, we went ahead with our plans and went to church and to Mimi and Grandpa's house for dinner. Reese screamed off and on and we had to take a dessert to go. Luckily I had enough energy to help Reagan set out cookies for Santa and of course carrots for the reindeer. Oh and write a note to Santa. Busy night!!

Cookies for Santa
finally in our pjs!

Now, we just wait for Santa to arrive! Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Sadly we lost our sweet Aunt Nellie at the age of 98, only a few days before Christmas. She was our great aunt and she was like a grandma to us. When we were growing up she and her husband (Uncle Red) were around us all of the time. We would spend holidays with them and she would babysit for us often. She never had any children of her own so my dad was like her child and we were like her grandchildren. We have such wonderful memories of our Aunt Nellie. She lived an amazing life and we such a huge part of our lives. We will miss her dearly but we are so blessed that she was part of our lives for such a long time. My sister and her husband planned to come home and fortunately they were able to be here for the funeral.We continued on with our holiday plans knowing that is what Nellie would want us to do. She LOVED parties and the holidays We were able to share some funny stories and laugh as we remembered our sweet aunt.

Opening up some presents! YAY!

Reese at Mamaw and Pop Pop's house.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014


We walked over to St. Mary's Hospital to see the lights, even Molly came along. Reagan and daddy did this last year but I did not go along since I was huge and pregnant with Reesie. It is really cool because it is like a mini forest and Reagan loves all the statues. It was so cold but we bundled up and enjoyed looking at all the lights. It was past Reese's bedtime so that is why she is reclined in all the pictures!
PJs on!
This is exactly how my dad stands! I just can't even believe it. It really makes me smile:)
Reagan and "mons".

PJs on!

Heading for the statues.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Santa Brunch

For the past few years we have gone with my parents and my brother's family to a Santa brunch. This was of course Reese's first time. I think they had more fun eating brunch than actually seeing Santa. Reagan said that was not the real Santa but one of his helpers so she decided not to sit on his lap. She kept saying "I already saw Santa". I think she was scared but she would never say that! I only managed to get a few pictures which was fine because both of the girls were not feeling so well. I think we are finally on the road to recovery and we hope to keep all sickness away over Christmas. Fingers crossed.

I just realized as I was posting this picture that Reagan and Reese are sitting in the same spot that Jason and I cut our cake at our wedding reception:) Who knew almost 10 years later, we would have two of the sweetest girls in the world!

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Reese finally started to pull up! The girls decided to help daddy clean out the fireplace. We are getting ready for Santa to arrive.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Santa Time

We made the journey to the Children's Museum to see the Legendary Santa. It was of course a long line but we survived and it was worth it. Reagan was nervous and Reese cried but it is so sweet to see. I can remember going to see Santa at Miller and Rhodes and it is just something about it that is so special.
Playing in the little houses.

They look terrified.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

It's starting to get a little crazy

Reese is on the move and things are getting a bit crazy. She will follow you all over the house. If I walk into the kitchen to put a glass away, she comes flying behind you, fast as can be. She is developing quite the little personality. She loves watching Reagan and Reagan loves to make her laugh. Reagan decided to put on her old Elmo costume and play with Reese the other day. It as so funny because Reese LOVES Elmo.