Saturday, July 7, 2012

Super HOT!!

It seems like it will never cool down around here! We have been trying to stay cool during this really hot week. We also celebrated the 4th of July. I remembered that last year, we had a two week old baby and we were just a mess. I remember making s'mores at my parent's house and then going home and crying. I think that was one of the nights that my mom came over and stayed the night. Now look at us! We have such an energetic and happy ONE year old! She is so fun to be around and brings so much joy to our lives. Here are a few pictures from this past week.

Helping me unload the groceries! She kept pounding on the watermelon, saying "BALL, BALL".   
Playing at Mamaw and Pop-Pop's
Sitting on the deck with Daddy
I tried to get all 3 girls. This was the best that I could do!
Reagan and Maegen talking
Handing us a piece of the "fireworks' that we had.  Really just party poppers that made a huge mess on my mom's deck!
Happy 4th of July!!
LAST 4th of July! Don't be fooled...she wasn't asleep for long! I can't believe this was just one year ago!

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