Sunday, July 15, 2012

Crazy Lady!

Reagan is full of energy that's for sure! How is it possible for it to be more tiring being with Reagan all day than a classroom full of five year olds? Don't get me wrong, I love every second of it and the thought of going back to school is something that I try to avoid! This past week was so fun but so busy.  Molly spent her first day at "doggy daycare" which was a little traumatic for me. I know, it's just a dog but I was sad to leave her. We decided not to take her to the beach with us so she has to spend a day at daycare to make sure she is "okay" to board there next week. I admit, I was pretty worried that she would not receive a good report but she did. Yay Molly!! They even gave us a report card, which Reagan thinks is very funny because it has a picture of Molly on the front. She wants to carry it around all the time.
She was very proud of Molly, too! 

Molly looks terrified in this picture. 
She is able to climb in her rocking chair all by herself now and says "Bye-Bye, Baby" for Rock-a-bye-Baby.
She entertained herself at my brother's house with these blocks.
So strong!
She would just toss these like they were nothing. Such a rascal!
We love you Auntie Bruce and we miss you!

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