Friday, July 13, 2012

Busy Week

We have been busy this week having so much fun! My sister is in town from San Francisco and we have been so busy spending time together with her. It is great to have her here because we don't get to see each other often and it's nice to just be able to "hang out" with your sister. Auntie Bruce (Margaret), long story about why my sister and I call each other Bruce but never the less she is now "Auntie Bruce" to Reagan, is leaving tomorrow and we are sad:( We hope she will be back soon! Here are a few pictures from this week. I plan to take more tonight at my brother's house. So more to come...

Love it:)

Since it hasn't been 100 plus degrees we were actually able to get outside and play. Reagan loves the water table and acts so serious while playing in it. She is a funny little girl.
It's more fun to play in with your clothes on! 

Clapping, clapping, clapping!
Shirt off!
We were able to have a play date with Jane, which was so fun! Reagan fed Jane some cheerios. It was too cute! 

 I will leave you with this one last picture because it makes me laugh. Reagan's face is priceless in this picture. 

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