Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Vacation Time

We just got back from the beach with my family! It was really hot but we had a great time! Reagan and I rode down on Sunday with my parents because Jason could only come for half of the week. We made a stop at the produce stand, more like a massive market. Reagan was checking everything out!
Reagan holding on to my mom's leg.
So sweet
The last time we were at the beach, Reagan was not walking. Now that she is, she decided that she hates the way the sand feels. She screamed a lot at first but by the end of the week she was fine! Good thing we had the pool out there because that kept her entertained for a while.
First day on the beach!
Salty water in her eyes!
Reagan entertained us all week long. What did we do before we had her?
Excited to go out to dinner!
Climbing, climbing, climbing.
Snacks in the wagon!
Reagan and Mommy
YAY! Daddy's here!
Look at that curl on top of her head!
Silly girl

Monday, July 30, 2012

My Love

I have a ton of pictures from our trip to the beach but I haven't had a chance to upload them so I wanted to share a few pictures from before vacation.

Friday, July 20, 2012

13 Months

Reagan is 13 months old today. I can't believe it! She's like a little tornado. She just tears through everything in our house. I was attempting to pack for the beach today and I was not very successful. Everything I put into a bag, she took out. She is such a mess!
She can climb up on the fireplace now, uh-oh.
Reading before church. This is the one thing she will sit and do for awhile.
So proud of herself! And look at those legs!!
I caught her being still!
I love those cheeks!!
Below are a few pictures from today. I was in a full on cleaning mode, why I do this I don't know but I become obsessed with getting everything in order before we leave to go on vacation. I do not like to come back to a dirty house. So, I was very busy getting things done today. Reagan decided to stay up all afternoon without a nap so we had A LOT of time together. I just had to laugh at how our day was going. She was all over the place and I was being an idiot trying to clean up behind her. It was no use. I should have just waited until she went to bed.

This is what she was doing as I was trying to finish making the cookies that I had started when I thought she was going to take a nap.
Helping me unload all of the groceries.
Handing me everything that she unloaded!
Of course Molly had to act crazy today too! This is what I found when I came back in the kitchen. She was looking for crumbs and would not budge from that spot!
I will leave you with this one last picture that I found once Reagan had gone to bed...It is never ending but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Couldn't get this picture to rotate but you get the idea. Sippy cup in my shoe. 
And on that note, I am going to bed! Good Night!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Crazy Lady!

Reagan is full of energy that's for sure! How is it possible for it to be more tiring being with Reagan all day than a classroom full of five year olds? Don't get me wrong, I love every second of it and the thought of going back to school is something that I try to avoid! This past week was so fun but so busy.  Molly spent her first day at "doggy daycare" which was a little traumatic for me. I know, it's just a dog but I was sad to leave her. We decided not to take her to the beach with us so she has to spend a day at daycare to make sure she is "okay" to board there next week. I admit, I was pretty worried that she would not receive a good report but she did. Yay Molly!! They even gave us a report card, which Reagan thinks is very funny because it has a picture of Molly on the front. She wants to carry it around all the time.
She was very proud of Molly, too! 

Molly looks terrified in this picture. 
She is able to climb in her rocking chair all by herself now and says "Bye-Bye, Baby" for Rock-a-bye-Baby.
She entertained herself at my brother's house with these blocks.
So strong!
She would just toss these like they were nothing. Such a rascal!
We love you Auntie Bruce and we miss you!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Busy Week

We have been busy this week having so much fun! My sister is in town from San Francisco and we have been so busy spending time together with her. It is great to have her here because we don't get to see each other often and it's nice to just be able to "hang out" with your sister. Auntie Bruce (Margaret), long story about why my sister and I call each other Bruce but never the less she is now "Auntie Bruce" to Reagan, is leaving tomorrow and we are sad:( We hope she will be back soon! Here are a few pictures from this week. I plan to take more tonight at my brother's house. So more to come...

Love it:)

Since it hasn't been 100 plus degrees we were actually able to get outside and play. Reagan loves the water table and acts so serious while playing in it. She is a funny little girl.
It's more fun to play in with your clothes on! 

Clapping, clapping, clapping!
Shirt off!
We were able to have a play date with Jane, which was so fun! Reagan fed Jane some cheerios. It was too cute! 

 I will leave you with this one last picture because it makes me laugh. Reagan's face is priceless in this picture. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Super HOT!!

It seems like it will never cool down around here! We have been trying to stay cool during this really hot week. We also celebrated the 4th of July. I remembered that last year, we had a two week old baby and we were just a mess. I remember making s'mores at my parent's house and then going home and crying. I think that was one of the nights that my mom came over and stayed the night. Now look at us! We have such an energetic and happy ONE year old! She is so fun to be around and brings so much joy to our lives. Here are a few pictures from this past week.

Helping me unload the groceries! She kept pounding on the watermelon, saying "BALL, BALL".   
Playing at Mamaw and Pop-Pop's
Sitting on the deck with Daddy
I tried to get all 3 girls. This was the best that I could do!
Reagan and Maegen talking
Handing us a piece of the "fireworks' that we had.  Really just party poppers that made a huge mess on my mom's deck!
Happy 4th of July!!
LAST 4th of July! Don't be fooled...she wasn't asleep for long! I can't believe this was just one year ago!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Staying Cool

It is definitely summertime! It has been so hot this past week that we have spent a lot of time inside.  It's a good thing that Reagan has a lot of new toys to keep her busy. The cozy coupe has stayed inside because it is just too hot to take it out. Reagan doesn't care though, she just sits in it all the time. She has had a good time playing with her cousins, too! They even came to the pool with us one day!
Having a snack in the cozy coupe. 

So happy to be walking!

Looking at books

Playing in the tent with her cousin, Maegen. Reagan can now say "Mae, Mae" So cute!
Too hot for pants! Those chubby legs are not as chubby:(