Tuesday, December 25, 2012


We had a wonderful Christmas! It's hard to believe that last year, Reagan was crawling and not very interested in her toys. It sure was different this year. We went to church, ate dinner at Mimi and Grandpa's and then had Christmas morning breakfast with Mamaw and Pop-Pop. Everyone came to see us on Christmas Day and then we went to Reagan's GREAT grandparents house and ended the night at Uncle Blaise and Aunt Jeanine's House. We had a busy day but it was so fun. Reagan loved all of her toys and was so sweet all day long. She even took a 2 hour nap, which doesn't happen very often. I can't believe that this is her 2nd Christmas. She brings so much joy to our lives. We love you Reagan Grace! Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve at Mimi and Granpa's House
Sweet little girl
Reagan and Aunt Laura
Jason serving up some of his holiday home brews.
Reagan eating at the kids table.
All ready for bed!
More to come tomorrow!

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