Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas

I was pretty good this year about taking pictures. Sadly, I only took a few last year. I guess Reagan wasn't doing too much then:)
Last year!

Checking out what Santa left her.
A kitchen
A shopping cart
Orange, anyone?
Santa left Molly a few things too:)
Mamaw and Pop Pop came to have breakfast with us!
ELMO slippers!
Reagan LOVES her "Uncle" Vic.
That's right, No shirt! She LOVES to take her shirt off. Probably shouldn't encourage this.
On our way to Grandma and Papa's house! Christmas is exciting!
Reagan with her great grandpa, "PAPA"
Reagan and Mimi
Reagan and Aunt Jessica
The last stop of the night was Uncle Blaise's house. Reagan had fun riding in the wagon with Maegen. It was a busy, busy day!

Riding in the wagon with Mae!
I think someone was getting sleepy.

It was so fun watching Reagan open up all of her gifts! She is the best present that we could ever get:))

Sweet Baby Girl

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