Monday, August 27, 2012

So much to do!

Well, today was my first day back at school. So sad! Although, Reagan wasn't sad a bit.  I dropped her off at my mom's house and she went right on in and waved bye! I was more sad that she was. I guess that's a good thing though. I wouldn't want her to scream when I left. I tried to not stress out about school but that is easier said than done. Reagan and I spent all day together on Friday and we had so much fun! Even though it was rainy this weekend, we still found time to fit in a few FUN outside things.

Hello Goat.
Feeding the ducks at UofR

On a side note, about one minute after I took this picture I took off running down the path, leaving my husband and baby behind because 3 large geese were trying to attack!

Chesterfield County Fair
SO hot!
Our neighbor gave us this tricycle. Reagan is still a little too small for it but she insisted on getting on it.
SO sweet. Disregard the dead tree above her:)
Trying to give Molly a stick.

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