Saturday, August 18, 2012

August Birthdays!!

We have had a busy week! On the 16th, my dad turned 70 and the adults went out to dinner to celebrate. We will celebrate again tomorrow with all the grand-kids! Then on the 17th, Reagan's cousin Maegen turned one! AND of course I cannot forget...our doggie's birthday! Molly turned 7 on the 17th! Wow! Lots of birthdays and lots of cake, yes, even for Molly.

A present for Molly!
On Saturday, we went to Maegen's First Birthday! Reagan loves "Mae-Mae" (that's what she says whenever she sees her).
Washing down the yummy cupcakes!
Sweet baby girl!
Check out that hair!! She didn't realize that she had a bow in. I was sneaky!
Big ONE YEAR olds!
Taking a break
Playing with all the new toys!
So long!

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