Monday, August 27, 2012

So much to do!

Well, today was my first day back at school. So sad! Although, Reagan wasn't sad a bit.  I dropped her off at my mom's house and she went right on in and waved bye! I was more sad that she was. I guess that's a good thing though. I wouldn't want her to scream when I left. I tried to not stress out about school but that is easier said than done. Reagan and I spent all day together on Friday and we had so much fun! Even though it was rainy this weekend, we still found time to fit in a few FUN outside things.

Hello Goat.
Feeding the ducks at UofR

On a side note, about one minute after I took this picture I took off running down the path, leaving my husband and baby behind because 3 large geese were trying to attack!

Chesterfield County Fair
SO hot!
Our neighbor gave us this tricycle. Reagan is still a little too small for it but she insisted on getting on it.
SO sweet. Disregard the dead tree above her:)
Trying to give Molly a stick.

Friday, August 24, 2012

14 Months...WHAT??

Reagan is 14 months and I can't believe it! She is such a big girl. She talks all the time now! Her vocabulary just amazes me. She tries to say everything that you say. I start back to work on Monday and it makes me very sad:( I will miss hanging out with my little girl all day everyday but I know she will have fun with her Mamaw and Kate! I never have to worry when I leave her because she has the BEST babysitters in the world! We are so blessed to have them watch Reagan. We have spent our last week of summer vacation playing outside (when the mosquitoes aren't carrying us away), going to the playground, swimming at the pool, and taking Molly for walks! It has been a wonderful summer!! Now, I will start waiting for SNOW DAYS!!

Reagan and Jane! We live so close to Jane that we LOVE to meet up for walks and some playground time.
Her new favorite book, "THE FOOT BOOK".
New PJs!!
We LOVE you Reagan Grace!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August Birthdays!!

We have had a busy week! On the 16th, my dad turned 70 and the adults went out to dinner to celebrate. We will celebrate again tomorrow with all the grand-kids! Then on the 17th, Reagan's cousin Maegen turned one! AND of course I cannot forget...our doggie's birthday! Molly turned 7 on the 17th! Wow! Lots of birthdays and lots of cake, yes, even for Molly.

A present for Molly!
On Saturday, we went to Maegen's First Birthday! Reagan loves "Mae-Mae" (that's what she says whenever she sees her).
Washing down the yummy cupcakes!
Sweet baby girl!
Check out that hair!! She didn't realize that she had a bow in. I was sneaky!
Big ONE YEAR olds!
Taking a break
Playing with all the new toys!
So long!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


We just got back from the beach with the Pruden Family! Although, it was a little rainy and I was sick:( We still had a great time! Nothing beats the beach! Reagan is becoming a real regular at the beach. She even decided that she liked the sand this time!
Swimming in the pool with Aunt Laura
Swimming with Mimi
The water was so calm she was able to go out in the ocean with Daddy!
She LOVED it!
Reagan and Mommy!
Snack time
Reagan, Mimi, and Daddy! Reagan has learned to say "cheese"!

Up and Down

Reagan got a brand new rocking chair for her birthday and she is now able to climb in it but cannot get down.  We do this probably 10 times a day. Climb up, clap, scream, and then I help her down and REPEAT. Very entertaining!
It's hard work!
Almost there!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Reading

Poor little Reagan has been sick this past week. She had the croup, which has created quite a little monster around here. She will not let me out of her sight. I have held her for several days straight. I guess that's why I am so tired. Carrying around a 25 pound baby is no easy task, especially one that is crying "Mama" over and over again. She will sit quietly for a while and look at her books. Thank goodness!

Where are those chubby legs??