Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas

I was pretty good this year about taking pictures. Sadly, I only took a few last year. I guess Reagan wasn't doing too much then:)
Last year!

Checking out what Santa left her.
A kitchen
A shopping cart
Orange, anyone?
Santa left Molly a few things too:)
Mamaw and Pop Pop came to have breakfast with us!
ELMO slippers!
Reagan LOVES her "Uncle" Vic.
That's right, No shirt! She LOVES to take her shirt off. Probably shouldn't encourage this.
On our way to Grandma and Papa's house! Christmas is exciting!
Reagan with her great grandpa, "PAPA"
Reagan and Mimi
Reagan and Aunt Jessica
The last stop of the night was Uncle Blaise's house. Reagan had fun riding in the wagon with Maegen. It was a busy, busy day!

Riding in the wagon with Mae!
I think someone was getting sleepy.

It was so fun watching Reagan open up all of her gifts! She is the best present that we could ever get:))

Sweet Baby Girl

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


We had a wonderful Christmas! It's hard to believe that last year, Reagan was crawling and not very interested in her toys. It sure was different this year. We went to church, ate dinner at Mimi and Grandpa's and then had Christmas morning breakfast with Mamaw and Pop-Pop. Everyone came to see us on Christmas Day and then we went to Reagan's GREAT grandparents house and ended the night at Uncle Blaise and Aunt Jeanine's House. We had a busy day but it was so fun. Reagan loved all of her toys and was so sweet all day long. She even took a 2 hour nap, which doesn't happen very often. I can't believe that this is her 2nd Christmas. She brings so much joy to our lives. We love you Reagan Grace! Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve at Mimi and Granpa's House
Sweet little girl
Reagan and Aunt Laura
Jason serving up some of his holiday home brews.
Reagan eating at the kids table.
All ready for bed!
More to come tomorrow!

Helping Mommy

Reagan is a big helper. She LOVES to help "unload" the dishwasher and "fold" clothes. Her way of doing it is a little bit different than mine but she actually gets the job done. I hope she is following my footsteps in being a cleaner. I do love to clean. Last week, I stayed home one day because our sitters little girl was sick and Reagan could not go. It was REALLY nice because it was an unplanned day off. Reagan and I stayed at home and did a lot for Christmas. We had such a fun time. She is such a sweet little lady and entertains me all day long. I just love spending time with my little girlie!

Helping Mommy
Making cookies:)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Getting Ready for Christmas

We have been busy around here! Reagan definitely does NOT like Santa. In fact, I have never seen her so terrified in her life. Maybe next year she will feel differently. I honestly couldn't even get a picture of her on Santa's lap because we had to move so fast due to the screaming. I did order a 20 dollar picture of her screaming on the lap of the "REAL" Santa. It is really something to see!

Helping Mommy make cookies
Reagan and Daddy at the Santa Brunch
She was pretty upset about having to sit on Santa's lap.
The best picture that I could get of Reagan and her cousin.
Waiting in line to see the "REAL" Santa.
Merry Christmas to you!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hug them a little tighter

I honestly can't even process what happened to those innocent children in Connecticut. I know one thing for sure is that when I walk into my classroom tomorrow I will definitely hug those precious little ones a little tighter and tonight when I put Reagan to bed, I will rock her a little longer and pray a little longer. May God provide those families with some sort of comfort and strength as they deal with this unimaginable tragedy. My little annoyances no longer seem important. I just want to hug and hold on to my precious baby girl.

Monday, December 10, 2012


I was FINALLY able to get Reagan's hair into pigtails. It lasted about 30 minutes but it was cute while it lasted.

So serious
Check it out!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What in the world??

Reagan has always had a mind of her own but recently she has been a real piece of work! Her new thing is that she wants to take her shirt off. If you try to get it back on her it's bad news. She will throw herself on the floor and scream. She actually has tears flowing too. It's quite the show. She is also very interested in ice. She goes to the freezer asking for ice and then she wants to give a piece to Molly too. Last night, I had to cut her off. No more ice and of course you know what happened next!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Not too smiley

Reagan can really be a little rascal. I tried all day on Thanksgiving to get a good picture of her and of course she was not having any part of that. She was either running from me or giving me the stink eye! This is the best I could get...still looks cute to me.

Not happy about this one.
Check out all that hair:)

Little Red Coat

Reagan is all ready for Christmas. Brand new red shoes and a new dress coat.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Photographs...

Reagan at 5 months:)
So cute!
9 months
One year old!!

Busy Weekends

The weekends just seem to fly by!! We have SO much fun spending time with sweet baby Reagan.
Uh oh... Reagan has discovered my love of cleaning. Do you like the pj's??
Looking for Daddy. Obviously we don't wear matching clothes on the weekends:)
Just reading
Mouthful of goldfish and brand new shoes!
Reagan and Mommy!   

Reagan and Daddy at the football game. She was too busy watching the mascot to look at the camera.