Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The wait

The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it will become once you achieve it. And the more pain you have to endure on your journey, the sweeter your arrival at your destination. All good things are worth waiting for and worth fighting for. –Susan Gale

I just happened to come across this quote and I thought I would share. I have two beautiful girls and I feel so blessed but not a day goes by that I don't relive the heartache of infertility. It changed my life. When someone announces that they are pregnant, I still get that sinking feeling because I know that there is someone somewhere that is unable to conceive. I remember when I was pregnant I was so excited but just dreaded telling people because I knew that someone was struggling with infertility. My heart aches for these people. It helped me knowing that I was not alone. It is such a sensitive subject and I never felt comfortable talking about it until recently. Please continue to pray for these couples that are unable to conceive, I know that I do.

Reagan Grace Pruden
June 20, 2011
Reese Virginia Pruden
February 25, 2014

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