Thursday, July 30, 2015


10 years. That's how long Jason and I have been married. I can't believe that ten years ago we were getting ready to walk down the aisle. When I look at pictures, I feel like we were so young. At the time, I didn't think our story was anything special but I now know differently. Jason and I grew up in basically the same neighborhood and knew a lot of the same people. I went to private school and he went to public but we would often bump into one another since we had mutual friends. It wasn't until we were married for a few years that we realized we actually went to Mother's Morning Out together back in 1983!! Jason's mom found the picture and gave it to us. It is so crazy because we are standing right next to each other and I have a huge smile on my face. My mom couldn't believe it because they had to pull me off her leg every time she dropped me off. When I look at that picture I still can't believe it. I look at those two innocent faces and realize that I wouldn't want to go through life with anyone else. Jason is an amazing husband and father. Our first few years of marriage were not easy. When my dream of becoming pregnant quickly did not come true, I was devastated and Jason was often the person I took it out on. We struggled with infertility for so many years and at the time it seemed like it was just wearing us down but I realize now that it only made us stronger. He has seen me at my worst and my best. We have been through moves, job changes, deaths in our family, infertility, babies being new parents, being a crazy new mom, and so much more. I can't imagine doing it all without him. Happy 10 years JP!

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