Saturday, April 11, 2015

Beach Time!!

We made the trip down to the beach for spring break. The girls and I went down with my parents on Wednesday and Jason came later that night. Since we didn't want to have both of our cars down there, the girls and I piled into my dad's car and drove down with them. Three hours was quite enough time in the middle of two car seats. Especially since Reagan is not the best traveler. The weather was a little cold the first day but we did get a few good beach days in. Reagan loves the beach and always has. Reese was a little more into it this time but still was not crazy about it. She was more interested in running down the beach. We love being there and spending time with my parents. We were able to do some other things that we don't often get to do in the summer, like going to the aquarium and checking out some of the playgrounds.
Checking out the beach



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