Saturday, April 11, 2015

Beach Time!!

We made the trip down to the beach for spring break. The girls and I went down with my parents on Wednesday and Jason came later that night. Since we didn't want to have both of our cars down there, the girls and I piled into my dad's car and drove down with them. Three hours was quite enough time in the middle of two car seats. Especially since Reagan is not the best traveler. The weather was a little cold the first day but we did get a few good beach days in. Reagan loves the beach and always has. Reese was a little more into it this time but still was not crazy about it. She was more interested in running down the beach. We love being there and spending time with my parents. We were able to do some other things that we don't often get to do in the summer, like going to the aquarium and checking out some of the playgrounds.
Checking out the beach



Monday, April 6, 2015


I was so ready for spring break. Just the thought of not having to rush out of the door in the morning makes me so happy. I love being at home with the girls and just doing fun stuff together. Before I had them, I spent my spring break, cleaning and organizing. Even though, it stresses me when my house feels dirty or disorganized, I have become much better about letting all that go. We had a few days at home before we headed to the beach so we made the most of it. We played outside a lot because the weather was so nice and we did a few Easter things that we never got to. We even got to meet up with some friends for a play-date. So fun! I am definitely counting down the days to summer vacation.
We even planted some things in Reagan's little garden behind her playhouse.

Easter eggs!


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Reagan's Basket!
Reagan Found Reese's basket
Easter Bunny ate some of the carrots and left a mess of sugar from his candy factory!

After all of the Easter basket excitement we managed to get everyone together and out the door for church.
After church, we headed to my parents house for lunch. Do you like the wardrobe change?
After lunch, we came home for a nap ( for Reese, of course:) and then headed to Jason's grandparents for dinner. It was a busy day but a great day!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Egg Hunt and Mamaw and PopPop's

We went to my parents house to have an egg hunt with all the grandkids. Reagan, Maegen, and Sadie were really in to it. Reese was more interested in pointing to things in the yard. Reagan was sweet and found a few eggs for Reese.


Meadow Farm

I was so ready for spring break. We planned to go to the beach mid week so we had a few days at home to do some fun stuff. We decided to go to Meadow Farm to see the animals. I feel bad because I think by Reese's age Reagan had already been like 10 times. But, Reese loved it and really liked looking at all the animals.

Sweet girl