Sunday, December 8, 2013

Precious Girl

Reagan entertains us constantly. She has quite the personality and I just LOVE that about her. She talks non-stop! And the words that she comes up with just amazes me each day! She is super excited about Christmas and everything that goes a long with it! Here are some recent pictures of all the Christmas fun that we have been having!

Playing with the nativity scene
Such a big girl
Decorating cookies
Eating cookies, the best part:)
On Saturday, we went for it and stood in line to see Santa. It was a long wait but we were lucky and had front row seats to see the Legendary Santa come down the chimney. Reagan sat perfectly still and was in total awe of Santa. I wish I could just freeze time because she is so sweet and innocent (most of the time:) The look in her eyes when she saw Santa made me cry!

Waiting in line for Santa
Watching Santa on the TV outside
Almost there
We finally made it!! She didn't cry at all. She marched right up there and spoke into the microphone. Telling Santa that she wanted a Barbie car and a piggy bank! No idea, where she came from because I would have been screaming at her age. But, we just LOVE that about her.
Sitting on Santa's lap
Telling Santa what she wants for Chrismas
We were able to catch the end of the Christmas Parade, too!! It was really cold but we had great seats in the Science Museum parking lot!
Very serious about watching the parade
Such a big girl!!
Not smiling but still cute!!

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