Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Reagan really loved Christmas this year! She was into everything. I'm not sure that she totally got the concept of Santa coming and bringing all the toys but she was certainly happy with everything that he brought. When she walked into the den she was more excited about the fire in the fireplace but once she spotted the Barbie car she was super excited. I loved watching her open all of her presents. I can't believe that next year we will have two little girls to celebrate Christmas with!!

Merry Christmas
Yep! Santa ate all the cookies that we left for him. Molly is checking it out too!
And Rudolph ate the carrots
Barbie Car!!! The helmet is for her bike but she wanted to wear it all morning!
Love it!
Checking out the stocking
My parents came over for breakfast and we opened presents with them too!

Reagan and Mamaw
A new table and chairs. Can't wait to put baby sister's name on the other chair:)
The girls or girlies as Reagan likes to say.
We were able to stay home all day long. Reagan took a long nap and played with her toys a lot. We went to Jason's grandparents once Reagan woke up. She was pretty tired by then but she had fun visiting with everyone!

Playing with Snow Bear at Grandma and Papa's
Woodstock! Yay!
Ready to go home.
Merry Christmas!!

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