Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day! Tomorrow is the first day of school which I am trying to avoid thinking about.  We stayed really busy this weekend! Reagan got to spend a lot of time with her friend Charlie! She loves him! Here are a few pictures from our weekend!

Monkey mask
Reagan likes to do this and say "don't be scared, I'm me"
On Friday, we had dinner with the Olson's. Blakley and I needed to take a recent picture. In college, we probably took a million pictures together!
On Saturday, we ventured out to Kings Dominion. I was unsure of how Reagan would like it but...SHE LOVED IT! She wanted to ride everything! We spent the whole day in Planet Snoopy! She had a great time!!! On our way up there, we made a stop in Ashland because Reagan loves trains! We checked out the caboose:)

Love her faee:)
Sweet Reagan Grace
Planet Snoopy
Watching the Snoopy Show!
Reagan and Yeatts checking out Snoopy.

Reagan is covering her eyes in this one! 

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