Monday, May 20, 2013

Beach Time!

We have made our first official "summer" trip to the beach. Our very best friends, Blakley and Mike came along with their two little boys. It was a packed house but it was fun! It made me laugh to think that at one time Blakley and I would just sit out on the beach all day long in our chairs. I don't even think we sat down longer than 5 minutes this time but it is well worth it for these precious little ones.
Anne and Blakley before the little ones:)
Reagan loved the beach! Sand and all:)
Sweet baby girl
Reagan and Yeatts
Too cute!
It's funny that I have so many pictures of Reagan and Yeatts because she really just wanted to play with Charlie the whole time.
Donuts with Charlie:)
Reagan and Mommy

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