Monday, May 27, 2013

3 Day Weekend! YAY!

YAY for 3 day weekends! We had a busy, busy weekend but it was so much fun!!

Someone has a ponytail!
Looking for strawberries
Really looking for strawberries
Reagan last year at the Strawberry Farm. She is so little!!
Reagan and Mommy
At the playground
On Sunday, we decided to venture out to the pool. The water was not warm at all but it really wasn't too bad. We of course did not even attempt the big pool. That looked way toooo cold!!

Reagan loves the pool!

Only 3 weeks of school left and then it will be summer vacation! I can't wait to be at home all summer long with Reagan!! I have been counting down the days! Who wouldn't want to spend all summer long with this little precious lady??
Hurry up summer!!

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