Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!
Reagan was a little timid about finding her Easter basket that the Easter Bunny hid. She was afraid to go behind the table to get it but with a little help from Daddy we finally got it! Don't you love the Christmas pajamas that she is wearing:)

She found it!
We went to church in the rain and then went over to Mamaw and PopPop's house. My sister (Aunt Bruce) was in town all the way from California. So, we had everyone here. It was great! Reagan was not in the best mood and we had to leave a little early because she was so cranky. Oh well, everyone has a bad day, right? Her cousin Sadie said "Looks like someone is having a bad day?" Hehe
A few hugs from Mamaw always makes  you feel better.
Just let me stay here.
Heading home for a nap.

After a well needed nap, Reagan was in a much better mood. We went to Reagan's great grandparents house (Grandma and Papa) for dinner. Still rainy!
A basket full of treats!

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